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Npi Profiles For Medical Professionals A Comprehensive Guide

NPI Profiles for Medical Professionals: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding NPI Numbers

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit number assigned to healthcare providers by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It is used to identify providers and their associated practices, making it a vital tool for insurance billing, patient care coordination, and fraud prevention.

NPI Profiles: A Valuable Resource

NPI Profiles are online databases that provide detailed information on healthcare providers and their services. These profiles include data such as:
• Provider names and credentials
• Specialty and practice locations
• Affiliations and certifications
• Contact information and insurance acceptance

NPI Profiles offer numerous benefits, including:
• Improved patient care coordination
• Accurate insurance billing
• Enhanced data security
• Reduced administrative costs

Case Studies: NPI Profiles in Practice

Below are examples of NPI profiles for medical professionals:
• JOSE A MARQUEZ MD (NPI 1790730620): Neurology in HIALEAH FL
• MARQUEZ MD (NPI 1528440468): Internal Medicine in San Diego CA
• JOSE L MARQUEZ MD (NPI 1710956958): Cardiovascular Disease in [Location]
• JOSE L MARQUEZ MD (NPI 1528440468): [Profile Details]

Accessing NPI Profiles

NPI Profiles can be accessed through various online platforms, including the CMS website and authorized third-party databases. Healthcare providers can claim and update their profiles by registering with the NPPES (National Plan and Provider Enumeration System).


NPI Profiles are essential resources for both healthcare providers and patients. They provide accurate and up-to-date information on medical professionals, enabling improved care coordination, billing accuracy, and patient safety. By leveraging NPI Profiles, healthcare providers can optimize their practice operations while patients can make informed decisions about their healthcare.
